Tuesday 13 September 2016

Memories of Madrid

I wish I could tell you that I finally went to your favourite city,
I finally went to Madrid.
So many years later, I had forgotten everything you had told me
Thankfully, the trees of Buen Retiro remembered
As I walked amongst them on a sleepless morning
They told me everything you had loved so much;
I finally saw Madrid - through your eyes.

I saw the masterpieces in Prado and the rare gems in Reina Sofia
I saw naïve tourists succumb to the promise of seemingly cheap bargains in El Rastro
I saw narrow, cobbled lanes that lead to grand plazas
Plazas that echo with the sound of music;
I saw the debauchery of dark nights in Gran Via make way for the warm gentleness of dawn
I smelt the sour stench of worn out brothels fade into the alluring aroma of freshly baked bread
I finally felt Madrid seep into my skin – as it had once done into yours.

As the sun went down to sound the drums in Buen Retiro
I knew the only truth there is to know
As long as the memories of Madrid remain with me
You remain with me.